
Aesthetics FAQs

They are neuromodulators that are safe and effective prescription medicines that contain purified proteins. When injected directly into muscles they provide a smoothening effect on moderate to severe dynamic wrinkles that can last up to 4 months.

The effects of Botox/ Dysport will last approximately three to six months. As the muscle movement gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to reappear. That’s when you know the area needs to be treated again.

Dermal Fillers are used in static lines or in areas where volume has been lost through the ageing process. They can also be used for lip rejuvenation.

We presently work with Restylane, Juvéderm, Bellafill, and Radiesse dermal fillers.

There is a vast array of dermal fillers can last between 6 months to 5 years. Based on your goals, budget and medical history, your provider will help you choose the dermal filler that is best for you.

The primary difference between the two is that Botox reduces the activity of muscles in the face that cause wrinkles. Botox is a better choice for dynamic wrinkles that occur when the face is in motion or making an expression, as it will reduce their motion and visibility. Facial fillers, however, replace volume that is lost through the ageing process by plumping and lifting the skin.

There is always a chance of slight bruising for up to two weeks after injection. Following your post-care instructions and using topical or capsule-form arnica can help with bruising.