

Microcirculation Tests

Microcirculation is the circulation of blood in the smallest blood vessels embedded within the tissues of various organs.

Microcirculation is usually smooth, however, conditions such as blood lipid disorders, high blood viscosity, increased erythrocyte aggregation and cardiovascular diseases may cause obstructions, disrupting the flow. Once the blood vessels become thin, distorted or clogged, corresponding symptoms ranging from dizziness, insomnia, numb lips, palpitation, chest tightness, etc. begin to show.

These are early signs of many cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we need Microcirculation Tests for early detection and as a preventive measure. Changes in Microcirculation Tests (Nailfold Capillaroscopy) – a non-invasive tool are widely used for the early detection, prediction and prognosis of various clinical diseases.

It allows the nail fold capillaries to be seen and is a useful aid to the differential diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and connective tissue diseases. Researches show that changes in the nail fold microcirculation are one of the main manifestations of many disorders.

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