
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentrated PRP-protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells. It has a greater concentration of growth factors than whole blood and has been used to encourage a quick healing response across several specialities. PRP will be injected into target problem areas of the skin to promote the body’s collagen to grow and regenerate tissues. By making use of the natural growth factors from your blood, it will reduce pore size, making your skin appear rejuvenated with lesser blemishes and reduced fine lines.

Advantages of PRP

The pros of Platelet Rich Plasma are: The technique uses resources from the body to heal skin barrier, regenerate, and acts as an excellent anti-ageing modality.

PRP can accelerate the healing process and encourage cell growth. Because Platelet Rich Plasma is rich in proteins, nutrients and growth factors, it helps damaged tissue repair fast.

It is a low-cost treatment derived naturally from your blood, processed in an utmost sterile manner to deliver the maximum potential benefits.