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A thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic enhancement technique that lifts sagging skin on the face, jaw-line and neck using surgical suture threads producing both external and internal rejuvenation of the skin. This treatment redefines your face, restores volume and reduces wrinkles in just 30 minutes with minimal downtime.

This treatment makes use of special, absorbable threads that provide instant support scaffolding for soft facial tissues, lifting and holding them in place. The best rejuvenating effects are visible after two months. The face becomes visibly smoother, firmer and rejuvenated. The sutures will be naturally absorbed by the body after 8-12 months, showing positive results that can last up to years after. This procedure requires no incision; hence patients experience no scarring.

Advantages of Thread Lift

Typically, the procedure takes less than an hour. Since the treatment takes 30 to 60 minutes, it commonly is referred to as the lunchtime facelift.

No deep cutting is required, so the risk of scarring or infection is much lower than with conventional cosmetic surgery.

Thus, it is an option for those who have health problems that make them unsuitable candidates for major cosmetic procedures needing anaesthesia.

There may be some initial redness or swelling, but this should resolve in a few days, certainly in less than a week, as compared to the three-month recovery time after a full facelift.

This is as you would expect, given that there is much less bruising and swelling.

Options include areas near the eyes, jaw, cheeks, and cheekbones. Since this is a relatively new procedure, new treatments continue to develop.