HIFU is a device commonly used for face and neck tightening and lifting. It is a non-surgical procedure that uses focused ultrasound waves to stimulate and tighten collagen with controlled heating. This highly concentrated and focused ultrasonic energy is delivered deep into the skin at appropriate locations for stimulating the remodelling of the deep dermal tissue and the production of new, more compact collagen fibres without any damage to the epidermis and adjacent tissue. With new collagen synthesis, the skin becomes tight, reducing wrinkles and ageing signs in the treated area. It is suitable for brow-lift, jaw-line lift, nasolabial folds, wrinkle reduction, and tightening and rejuvenation of the skin overall. The result is, a little to no downtime facelift that is natural, affordable, and comfortable. We recommend this procedure for individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity that are not ready yet for a face-lift.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound