Nutritional Booster Therapy is a proven treatment which accelerates healing and boosts immunity.
Nutritional Booster Therapy

What is nutritional booster therapy?
A healthy outside starts from a healthy inside

Everyday environmental assaults
Every day we are exposed to toxins and heavy metals from various sources such as food, cosmetics, personal-care products, soil, air, dental implants, cooking utensils, and many others which can have a deleterious effect on physical and mental health.
Examples of some toxins are:

Since we are exposed to toxins in many forms daily, detoxifying the system becomes indispensable.
Signs of toxic stress
Impact on health
Our Boosters
Based on research, we offer a wide range of nutritional booster cocktails at TDOX Clinic to enhance your health.

Removes harmful toxins which accumulate over the time with our infusion for deep cleansing at the cellular level.

Active ingredients – proven to enhance the glow on skin, brighten the complexion, reduce acne & slow ageing by maintaining skin elasticity & firmness.

Repairs cellular & DNA damage while enhancing skin elasticity. This infusion improves the overall appearance of skin as it ages.

Increases energy to combat fatigue. Improves cell growth & maintenance

Receive therapeutic doses of nutrients to increase immunity , and improve the inflammatory homeostasis.

Improves fertility & hormonal imbalance; fights cancer, acne & free-radicals

Regain strength, agility & immunity after chronic fatigue. This infusion is great for optimal health maintenance.

Improves blood circulation, coronary artery and peripheral vascularisation, boosts heart health, is cardio-protective and reduces calcified plaques in the coronary artery.
Is it safe
Just as nutrients obtained from food get absorbed directly into the bloodstream after digestion; nutritional booster therapy is administered directly into the blood, thus is safe.
What to expect
- Improved sleep
- Increased energy levels
- Better mood & mental acuity
- Clarity of thoughts
- Skin radiance
Our team of highly qualified nurses administer the nutritional infusions supervised by a doctor for maximum benefits.

DOCTOR’S CONSULTATION Nutritional boosters will be recommended to you after an initial consultation with the doctor for better understanding your needs.

Once your therapy starts, sit back and relax in our treatment rooms specially designed to provide a tranquil atmosphere while taking the Nutritional booster therapy.

Enjoy the rest of your day as you feel energised within 15 minutes of the treatment, and reap the benefits your treatment for weeks after.